Social Networking

The Dreamoscope Apps and Website offer quick and easy access to all popular social networks.

Download App

Download the free App from our website, iTunes or from other digital media download providers.

Cloud Storage

Create a free account and store your dream files safely and securely in the Dreamoscope Dream Cloud Storage area

Dream Analysis

Let one of our Expert Dream Analyst review your dream and recieve Past, Present and Future information that your dreams are trying to tell you. 

Social Media Manager

Need Social Media Manager to manage all aspects of internet social media. Must be familiar with popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Skype. Need to be able to do some light programming to interact with the social media API's. Also must be well respected with a clean record to interact with not only our customers but also be able to interact and market to the social media companies.

Secure Website

Professionally designed and Secure website lets you perform virtually all application features via the web. Record, store and organize your dreams from anywhere.

Dream Cloud

Store up to 5 gigabytes of your dreams in our free Secure Dream Cloud Storage Area. Purchase more space if you need it.

Cross Platform App

Free Cross platform Dream Recorder Application runs on Windows Phone, iPhone, iPad, Desktops, Unix and the Mac. Free User account and free first Expert Dream Analysis, a $9.99 value.

Dream Analysis

Free User account and one free Recorded Dream Analysis from any of our expert Dream Analyst.